Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper Trick
A bit of paper and a few magic words and the magician will amaze his close up audience once more.
The Effect
The magician pulls out a sheet of cigarette paper and holds it up for inspection. Tearing the paper in half, the magician places one half on top of the other and then tears that packet in half. Once more the pieces are torn in half and then rolled into a ball. The magician concentrates, utters the magic words and then unrolls the ball to show that it has been restored completely.
The Secret
The key to the Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper is the fact that there are two sheets of paper where the audience thinks there is only one.
While cigarette paper works very well for this trick, especially in a pub setting, any small bit of paper will do fine. Two sheets are required.
The magician should roll up one sheet of paper into a ball and place it in his pocket with the unprepared sheet.
Performing the Trick
This is a great trick to do at a pub, where the magician can just reach into his pocket, pull out the paper and perform the trick inches away from his audience. The principles of this trick are the same for any torn and restored paper trick, so by enlarging the sheet of paper, the magician can enlarge the audience as well.- The magician reaches into his pocket and grabs the balled up paper between thumb and finger, pinching the open sheet of paper this way as well. When he brings the paper out it is important to keep the ball of paper hidden behind the sheet of paper at all times.
- The magician shows the paper and then holds it between his hands, all the while keeping the ball hidden. One tear in the middle will separate the paper into two pieces. The magician should place one piece over the other, forming a packet.
- Another tear rips the paper into quarters. Once more the paper is put into a packet, and a third and final tear is done.
- Rolling the torn paper into a ball, the magician switches the first ball for the second, holding the ball of torn pieces below the other.
- Blowing on the ball (or performing some other magical move) the magician then begins to unravel the whole ball. When the sheet is completely unravelled, the ball of torn pieces will be pinched and hidden behind the open sheet.
- To end the trick the magician can ball up the paper around the torn pieces, keeping the secret of the trick safe and toss it in a basket or back into his pocket.